Responsible risk taker- I have been trying to do more things then I would have tried out for last year.
Inquirer- I used to not ask anyone about what we had to do and now I ask a lot
Maths- I used to think that I was not very good at maths and now that I practice a lot more I am a lot better and I have learnt a lot more ways to figure out questions
Goal setter-Over the year I have gotten better at goal setting because I have learnt about the SMART and I use it to make my goals better
Respectful- I am respecting more other peoples things and value what they say and do it
PE-I am doing way more fitness this year I like to go out side and play and I'm in the athletics team
Participator and Contributor- last year I
didn't contribute all I did was sit there and not talk that much and now I like to be heard
Competes appropriately-I like to play to win, but I also like to just play for fun
Challenge- I like to have a challenge,last year I stayed out of anything but now I like to be involved
Self responsible-I am way more responsible I am getting better at keeping track of everything and hardly lose anything
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